• 310-6232425
  • info@pwbi.org
  • Los Angeles, California

Current Project

The Tarbiyat International Academy.

Professionals Without Borders, Inc. is a California non-profit corporation with 501(c)(3) status under Internal Revenue Code. We were interested in working in El Salvador to assist and provide services in the education of the general public. In order to provide such services it was decided to buy some land and build a general-purpose campus that would be suitable for various kinds of education.

School Registration

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Full name of father, mother, or guardian.
Do you have children?
If the answer is "yes," enter their details in the following questions
Selected Value: 1
Note: Please fill in an individual form for each of your children you would like to register
Fill in the name, age, and gender of your children, in the following format: Name/Age/Gender
What are you applying for?
Other subjects in the next field