• 310-6232425
  • info@pwbi.org
  • Los Angeles, California

Parent-Teacher Organization PTA/PTO

Tarbiyat International Academy

Colon, El Salvador


PTA or PTO stands for Parent-Teacher Association or Parent-Teacher Organization. Such
groups are formed to incorporate parents into the school infrastructure and to interact
with the local community. Members of a PTO or PTA are parents of the students.

Mission and Vision Statement

“To protect and safeguard every child and make every child’s potential a reality. To create a safe and healthy environment for the children, the staff, and the faculty. To embrace the local community and engage and empower families to advocate for all children.”

There are three main functions for the PTA:

  • The organization allows the parents to have input into the daily management of the school, including the curriculum and direction of the school’s social and academic structure.
  • Parents are included in the financial needs of the school. This includes the creation of a realistic budget, and a goal for the acquisition of equipment and materials for well-furnished and supplied classrooms. Also included is the development of a well-funded scholarship program.
  • The PTA meetings will allow the parents to socialize and get to know each other.

Parent-Teacher Organization Values:

Our values are based on Collaboration, Commitment, Diversity, Respect, & Accountability:

  • Collaboration: We will work in partnership with a wide array of individuals and organizations to broaden and enhance our ability to serve all children and families.
  • Commitment: We are dedicated to the children’s educational success, health, and well-being through strong family and community engagement,
  • Diversity: We acknowledge the potential of everyone without regard, including but not limited to: age, culture, economic status, educational background, ethnicity, gender, geographic location, legal status, marital status, mental ability, national origin, organizational position, parental status, physical ability, political philosophy, race, religion, sexual orientation, and work experience.
  • Respect: We value the individual contributions of members, employees, volunteers, and partners as we work collaboratively to achieve our association’s goals.
  • Accountability: All members, employees, volunteers, and partners have a shared responsibility to align their efforts toward the achievement of our association’s strategic initiatives.

At this time we are allowing parents from any school in San Salvador to join this PTA. However, in future, each school will have its own PTA organization.

We ask that you register so that we will have contact information for you to share of important information. However, even if you choose not to register we welcome your suggestions and comments either in person or via text or email. Registering in the PTA does not commit you to any obligation regarding you or your children.

PTA Registration

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Full name of father, mother, or guardian.
Do you have children?
If the answer is "yes," enter their details in the following questions
Selected Value: 1
Fill in the name, age, and gender of each of your children you would like to register, in the following format: - Name/Age/Gender

Colonia Majano, Las Moras Canton
Pasaje Calistemos 2, Poligono A
Lourdes Colon, La Libertad